"The Adventure of Married Couples" is an eleven-minutes black and white short movie without dialogue. It is a story of a labouring couple's everyday life based on a story by Italo Calvino.
The special mention of the Jury prize at” 18th La Fila de Cortometrajes Film Festival, Spain, 9 May, 2014
The Best short fiction Film at” 6th Iberoamericano De Cine Azul SURrealidades Film Festival, Colombia, 13 September, 2014
The special mention of the Jury prize at” 18th La Fila de Cortometrajes Film Festival, Spain, 9 May, 2014
The Best short fiction Film at” 6th Iberoamericano De Cine Azul SURrealidades Film Festival, Colombia, 13 September, 2014